If you feel nervous about coming to visit your Dentist Epping, please remember you’re not the only one to feel like that. You might feel scared of the pain or worry that you won’t be able to cope with what we find.
Please be assured! We will sensitively care for your dental and emotional health.
Despite your fears, it’s better to see us frequently, so any issues you may have can remain small and easier to deal with.
During times when sabre-toothed tigers chased humans, their fears were rightly acute and took over their minds. But now, even without no sabre-toothed tigers outside, human minds carry on the same way out of habit. This fact allows us to take some steps to help ease our anxiety and increase our coping capacity.
Talk with us
Right from the get-go, be kind to yourself and let us know what makes you anxious. Tell our receptionist you’re nervous about dental visits when you make your appointment.
Remind your Dentist Epping about your anxiety when you arrive. Share your bad experiences from the past and ask for coping strategies. We can treat you better if we know your needs.
Agree that if you raise your hand, you need a little time-out.
If you experience pain, please tell us instead of suffering in silence. Don’t worry about interrupting a dental procedure!
Distract yourself with music or audio
If dental sounds bother you, bring headphones and your favourite music or audiobook.
Use relaxation techniques
You could:
– Squeeze a stress ball.
– Visualise yourself at your favourite beach or garden.
– Use a deep breathing exercise to lessen muscle tension. Count your breaths; inhale slowly, and then exhale for the same number of counts.
– Do this while waiting for your appointment or sitting in the dental chair.
– Do a body scan. Concentrate on relaxing your muscles, one body part at a time, starting with your head and working your way down to your toes.
Please take your Dentist Epping into your confidence, so we can work on this together! Solving problems is better done with two than one.
To find out more, please click the link for an appointment with us: http://bit.ly/RawsonDental-Epping