We provide Oral cancer screens at every routine examination looking for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth. This is to identify mouth cancer early to improve the chance of recovery.
Oral cancer affects 26.9 out of 100,000 persons in Australia and is increasing. It affects for lip, oral cavity and oropharynx cancers
An annual cancer-related check-up for people above aged 40 years, and every three years for those under 40yrs.
It is a visual and physical exam precautionary screen of your oral cavity, tongue and soft tissues. It have help reassure our patients of no apparent issues or trigger further diagnostic tests and early treatment if required. At our Epping dental practice we look for lumps and bumps, asymmetries, swelling, ulcerations, changes in colour and other abnormalities.
People with a high risk of oral cancer may be more likely to benefit from oral cancer screening. The following factors increase the risk of oral cancer:
- Tobacco use of any kind
- Heavy alcohol use
- Previous oral cancer diagnosis
- History of significant sun exposure, which increases the risk of lip cancer