At Epping Dentist we base our family dental services on optimal knowledge in this area and we’re delighted to offer you and your children the wide range of services listed below, all of which are delivered gently and with care.
We would also be delighted to develop a lasting relationship with you and your family based on trust, respect and empathy. Naturally we support your dental decisions to our utmost.
We want all your family members to be excited about how their teeth look and how healthy their mouths feel.

Children are our most special patients and your child deserves the very best care that can be provided.
Your child’s first few visits to a dentist can have an effect for the rest of his or her life, but as we have children of our own, we are an Epping Dentist that understands what is needed to make children’s dental appointments friendly, positive and enjoyable. We give children fun rides in the chair, introduce our cool air and water sprays or just simply relax with some cartoons on our ceiling TV.
The Academy of Paediatric Dentistry says that earlier you take your baby for a comprehensive dental check-up, lesser are the chances of developing cavities and other dental issues in future. You should schedule your child’s first visit with our paediatric dentist within a couple of months after the first tooth erupts.
Seeing the baby suffering from the agony caused by deep cavities or swollen, bleeding gums would be the last thing that any parent wants. Therefore, educate your children on how to adopt good oral hygiene habits at an early age. A healthy mouth free of cavities and plaque is the key to protecting primary teeth and keeping them intact till they are ready to be replaced by the permanent teeth.
Take a small, soft bristled toothbrush that fits easily in the baby’s mouth. Brush your baby’s teeth with water only until they learn to rinse and spit. Only use a fluoride toothpaste when you are sure enough that your child would not swallow it. It is important to properly clean your baby’s primary teeth because of the following reasons:
- They enable your baby to chew properly.
- They are important for developing your child’s phonetics.
- They have great aesthetic concerns.
- They hold space for the permanent teeth. Problems may arise if they are lost too early.
Your baby might not like toothbrush in the beginning. No need to worry. Just swipe your baby’s teeth with a clean, wet cloth.
Offer healthy meals and snacks such as fruits, vegetables, milk, cereals, etc. Keep chocolates, candies, and sweets for special occasions only.
Do not let your baby keep the bottle of milk or juice in mouth overnight. Constant sipping on the sugary beverages increases the risk of caries.
Follow your dentist’s advice on pit and fissure sealant application. Dental sealants are used to prevent cavities especially in children’s permanent molars.
Dr Thuy Le and Dr Tracy Le have their own family and are both exceptional at providing all children with an enjoyable dental experience.
It’s an experience at a Epping dentist that is gentle, friendly, educational and fun for our youngest patients – so they are happy from their earliest dental appointments onwards and can start learning how to look after their own oral health.